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Student Technology FAQs

Find answers to common questions related to Canvas, Google Meet, hardware, and more. Check back for updates as new issues arises.


  • Try these methods:

  • Sometimes a device loses its authentication to the content filter. Open Safari – go to any website – login to Content Keeper then return to the app. You can also use the browser based version of Canvas by clicking the link on our website. If the "Whoops" statement persists, you may clear the app cache.

  • Using the iPad Canvas Student App

    View instructions for web-based Canvas

  • Some parents may find the "Observing" button missing from their Settings if they have an older observer account and students are no longer in MCCSC, i.e. graduated. The account still exists but the standard instructions to add a new student to observer do not work since the button is gone. To resolve:

    1. Login to
    2. Have student generate a pairing code per the posted observer instructions
    3. Type /profile/observees after the for the full URL
    4. Add pairing code here.

    Parent Observer screenshot

  • Apple has recently updated their official cleaning guidelines for all of their devices in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please find the most up to date instructions here:

    Apple for K-8 Students:

  • MCCSC manages student apps. Those that are available to students can be found in the iPad app portal.

    Once you select install, it might take a few minutes for the app to appear on your device. If it doesn't successfully install after 5 minues, repeat the process.

  • After connecting to a wireless network, simply navigate to any webpage and receive the Content Keeper login screen. Enter student username (without or extension) and student password to authenticate. Sometimes devices lose their connection to Content Keeper and require students to sign back in as outlined above.

  • This is likely because the device has lost its connection to Content Keeper, our Internet content filter.

    • Close the app (click the home button twice rapidly, locate the app, and swipe upward).
    • Navigate to any webpage and receive the Content Keeper login screen.
    • Enter student username (without or extension) and student password to authenticate.
  • Tap the home button twice in rapid succession, locate the problematic app, and swipe it upward off the screen.

  • Apps are managed through the app portal. If a student continues to have problems with a particular app, they may press down on the app until it vibrates and then choose to delete it. Once the app is gone, they may download it again from the iPad's app portal.

  • Try one of these methods:

    1. After connecting to a wireless network, simply navigate to any webpage and receive the Content Keeper login screen. Enter student username (without or extension) and student password to authenticate. Sometimes devices lose their connection to Content Keeper and require students to sign back in as outlined above.
    2. Go to one of the areas with MCCSC drive-thru WiFi zones. See Technology/Connectivity for more information. Restart your device at one of those zones and sign on as you do at school. Try Canvas or one of those other educational sites. When you get home, connect to your WiFi and try the site again.
  • HP has recently updated their official documentation for device cleaning and sanitization in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please find the most current instructions here:

    HP Laptop for 9-12 Students:

  • Try restarting your computer. Most times, this fixes the problem.

    1. Unplug the cord from the power outlet and from the computer.
    2. Disconnect the block from the cord.
    3. Reconnect the block, connect the cord to the computer, and plug the cord and block back into the power outlet.
  • Your computer is likely in sleep mode. Use these steps:

    1. Connect the charging cord and plug it in so your computer has power.
    2. Hold the power button for 30-45 seconds. Let the button go and a light should flash. The flashing light means your computer has woken up. Now try to turn it on.
    3. If the steps above don't work,
      • Repeat step 2.
      • Next, push the power button on and off two or three times.
      • Hold the button again for 30 seconds and release the button.