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Individual Learning Plan

What is an ILP?

An ILP (Individual Learning Plan) is a written plan which details strategies, accommodations, and modifications to be implemented in the classroom on a daily basis. An ILP is created for all Limited English Proficient (LEP) students.

ILP Specifics

  • An ILP is a locally-developed form that is created by the student's classroom teachers in conjunction with the school's ENL teacher or other designee
  • The content of Individual Learning Plan should be shared with students
  • Teachers and other instructional staff members that work with a Limited English Proficient student must be provided a copy of the ILP and are required to implement the ILP within their classroom on a daily basis 

Information Contained in the MCCSC's ILP Form

  • General student information
  • Student's English proficiency and academic needs
  • Language instruction program being used
  • Learning goals
  • List of assessment data reviewed to establish the learning goals
  • State and local assessment information
  • Recommended instructional strategies, accommodations, and modifications